Good morning cruisers. The LHC board met last night to review our July 30th Berns Church show and i have to admit its was a great success. We had over 100 cars register & attend and we raised more than $600.00 to aid our local veterns. We also delivered a huge pickup bed full of can goods to Operation 43 food closet in Pottstown. A huge thankyou to heather for organizing everything and a hearty high five to everyone who helped make it a great day. Now we need your help to prepare for the final fall show on September 11th. We will be returning to Berns church once again with lots of improvements from our last show. We will have more classes, more trophies and hopefully, more vendors than the July show. We need your help finding sponsers and setting up for September 11th. If any of you know of a local vendor that would be willing to support the show, please contact Heather or myself so that we can get them the appropriate paperwork. We also need more members to help set up, register & park the participant cars. We also need people to man the raffle table, sell 50/50 tickets direct traffic and many other little jobs that come up. If you are available on September 11th to help out at the show then please let any of our board members know so that we can add you to the list. I hope to see all of you out there on September 11th or at any one of the pop up gatherings that take place during the month. Thanks for all that you do and dont forget, always keep the shiny side up & the rubber on the road. See yall in September.
Hey There Cruisers,
Well, the warm temperatures and weekends full of sunshine are slowly creeping behind us once again. The leaves are turning, and the nights are getting longer as our fun filled weekends start to come to an end. Like many of you, I have already stored my beloved lil Mrs. in the in the garage and covered her up for a long winters rest. For the time being, we can but dream of another spring day upon which we shall fling the doors open and once again hit the long road of cruising together. Until then, stay warm, stay safe and enjoy the long winters days. Before we all tucked our cars away for the winter, many of us were able to get out and enjoy some final shows and meets together. Heather Wright & Cristopher Sweinhart did a stellar job of organizing our Berns Church Grove show where they had about 40 vehicles and hundreds of people come out to enjoy the day with them. Club choice awards were given out and they have already begun to promote and organize other show dates for 2022. Watch for those dates on the club Facebook page and I hope that you can all come out and join us for a great time together. Several of you joined Dena & I at the Trunk or Treat event at Parker Ford Baptist Church in late October. There was food and fun for hundreds of families as cruisers each decorated their cars and handed tons of candy out to the kids. Some of us made it out to High street for their final cruise night which saw a record turnout with many cars being turned away with nowhere to park. A great big thank you to the Red Horse club for their valiant efforts and huge success. Still others attended shows all over the region and shared photos across our Facebook pages of all their events. If you missed out on any of the activities, or if you have photos that you would like to share of your events, check out the club Facebook page and feel free to share, like and post your favorite pictures. In mid-October, our club treasurer, Mark Bullard, finally received the much anticipated 501C3 status letter that we have waited almost 3 years to get. We are now a fully recognized, nonprofit club with a tax exemption status for all of our activities. This gives us the freedom to raise funds to support veterans and their families without any federal responsibility. That also means that more money will go directly to those families that need it the most. We need to give Mark a huge high five and hearty thank you for all of the constant work he has done to achieve this status for the club. Please make sure to give him a pat on the back the next time you see him at a club event or show. With that in mind, as we come to the end of this cruising year, its time for many of us to renew our club membership. During the pandemic we waived the membership dues and kept everyone connected as much as possible. With the pandemic now in our rearview mirror, and our club bank account in a sad state of stability, its time for us to reintroduce the annual club fees. Its just $20.00 per household to be part of the club and is good for one full year. If you have already sent in your membership dues, thank you so much for your support and we look forward to catching up with you all year long. If you still need to send in your dues, please send it to Lost Highway Cruisers, P.O. Box 901 Royersford, PA. 19468. Again, we will make sure that all members are kept up to date on events, happenings and get togethers on a monthly basis. Finally, while the classics & hotrods may be tucked away for the winter, there is still plenty of activity for all of us to stay involved with. On Saturday November 20th, all club members are invited out to The Breakfast Hut for a club meeting. We will share some food, laughs and get caught up on all of our projects that we are working on. On Saturday, December 4th, the Pink Moose in Royersford will be hosting a veteran’s toy drive for everyone to participate in. Just bring a new unwrapped toy or gift to help support all of our veteran’s families this Christmas season. All donations will remain within the immediate local vicinity and will help many families to have a very merry Christmas. Finally, on Saturday, December 18th, we will be traveling to 4-5 club members homes for a fun progressive dinner together. Each house will host a different course of the meal and we will end the night by cruising to the president’s home for deserts and drinks. We hope you can all come join us for fun evening and bring along your best Christmas spirit. We hope to see you there. Until then, I hope that you all keep the shiny side up and the rubber side down. Happy cruising clubbers. Gratefully, Bob Davalt Lost Highway Cruisers Club President Hey there Cruisers,
Well, as the cruising season begins to wind down, its great to look back at all the shows, festivals and fun times that we have all shared together. There have been record numbers at the Pottstown Nights car shows, lots of support for the Veterans Island memorial, great support both with, and for, other local clubs and tons of food & fellowship at our monthly club breakfasts. Our club Vise President Ron Huisenga, and club members Jerry & Lori Keefer, Joe Lebel & Heather Wright all worked extremely hard at the Pottstown Nights hot wheels races for the kids. It’s great to see so many young hot-rodder’s being introduced to the hobby every year. Congrates to all of those members for a job well done. While we have a few more weeks left before the temperatures begin to turn, I would encourage all of you to keep those classics, street rods and treasured antiques in tip top shape before you put them away for the long, cold winter. Coming up in September, we have a couple of shows at Brookside (on the 15th) & the Norco Fire Company (on the 28th) where we will combine our forces with the wicked effects club once again. Our monthly club breakfast will be held at the breakfast hut in Reading on Saturday, September 18th at 8:30 am. Hopefully you can come join us for this monthly meal. In addition to the Brookside & wicked effects shows in October, we are also going to meet up at Parker Ford Baptist Church for a trunk or treat show for all of the kids on Halloween night. Come on out and decorate the back end of your hot rod and pass out tons of candy for a fun night together. In November we are hoping to put together a wine and cheese run. Please stand by for more information on that one. In December, we will be holding our first ever progressive dinner as we cruise from one members house to the next enjoying another course of the meal as we go along. Not only can we enjoy some great food from all the host homes, but we can check out all of the holiday decorations and maybe even sing a few Christmas carols together. Look for more information on this event as we enter the winter season. I look forward to seeing all of you in the next few months as we share our passion of the hobby together. Finally, a couple of nights ago I received a phone call from our treasurer Mark Bullard notifying me that our filing for a nonprofit status has finally moved ahead in the bureaucratic system. We now have a case worker assigned to our file and she is hoping to have an approved status for us before the end of September. This has been a long and argues process for Mark and I want to personally thank him for all of his continuous efforts. Once approved, this status will allow us to raise further funds to aid many of the veteran events that we support. I will give you an update as soon as I hear something from Mark. Keep having fun with your hot rods and hopefully we will see each other at a few more shows. Don’t forget to post all of your favorite photos to the club web page and share those favorite moments & memories with everyone. Thanks again for all of the good times and here’s to keeping the rubber side down and the shiny side up. See ya all at the shows. Gratefully, Bob Davalt Club President |
Heather SweinhartSecretary for the Car Club Archives
May 2024
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